The signing of a contract confirms agreement with the Licensing Agreement and intent to adhere to the provisions as outlined in the Contract which prohibits duplication, copying or electronic transferring of any materials provided as part of the Zing!™ Leadership Development Curriculum.

The “curriculum” is comprised of 12 leadership development outlines contained in one Curriculum Carrying Case – a 12 ½ x 5 ½ x 11 ½ Globe – Weiss 16 Pocket Work Center made out of reinforced cardboard with a storage area and slide out tray. The folding file compartment allows for 16 folders, so there is room for additional resources, such as a list of participants, “never fail” inspirational stories, or copies of handouts.

The Licensing Agreement allows the purchasing site to share outlines with colleagues, staff, students and other presenters at the same site of purchase (or by a single organization providing there is no copying or duplication of the material to be “mass distributed” or “shared” with other sister organizations at other locations.) Intellectual property law protects the contents of the program outlines from plagiarism and unintended use, such as the use of outlines at professional conferences, selling of outlines to other organizations off the site of purchase or by an organization, or receiving payment specifically for the delivering of outlines. Professional speakers, for instance, are not permitted to receive compensation for delivering a program if they own a license. In addition, Zing! as a trade marked symbol cannot be represented as the creation of anyone other than Nancy Hunter Denney – or, be put on additional products (like T-shirts, mugs, etc.) not purchased or ordered through Zing!™ Leadership Development Systems, LLC.

Please read our policy on contract enforcement.