When planning a one day conference, consideration needs to be given to the following:

Available Facilities:

• Will the audience need to move around? Request space with “move around” flexibility.
• How early will set up of the facility be possible? One hour minimum is suggested.
• Given changing temperatures, does the facility provide for comfortable participants?
• Participants will “skip out” if asked to walk between buildings. Try to stay localized.
• Break out rooms are essential if numbers exceed 50 participants. Plan on 25 per breakout.
• Opening and Closing sessions should be in the same location.


• Be aware of the experiences with previous training and select topics from the appropriate topic levels.
• Know in advance the expectations of audience members. What are they thinking they will be doing?
• Advertise or communicate accurately the time parameters and expectations of participation.
• When training emerging leaders, give participants permission to participate and contribute!
• When numbers reach over 50, more facilitators are needed – use a 25 to 1 ratio as a guide.
• Meet the miscellaneous conference needs with greeters and logistic folks. Use a 25 to 2 ratio as a guide.

Format Options:

The Zing!™ Leadership Development Curriculum lends itself nicely to the planning and implementation of a one day leadership conference. Given busy schedules and the “drive thru” expectation time line instilled in today’s participant, the following conference options are suggested:

Option One

Audience size over 75. When smaller, drop to two breakout options per session – not three.

9:30 am – 10 am: Registration with Light Refreshments. Minimally provide coffee and juice!

10 am – 11 am: OPENING SESSION – Zing!™ Your Life and Leadership: The Opportunity

11:15 am – 12:15 pm: SESSION ONE

  • Offering 1

  • Offering 2

  • Offering 3

12:15 pm – 1 pm: LUNCH - Consider a form of light entertainment.

1 pm – 2 pm: SESSION TWO

  • Offering 4

  • Offering 5

  • Offering 6

2 pm – 2:15 pm: REFRESHMENT BREAK – Cookies and Cold Drinks

2:15 pm – 3:15 pm: SESSION THREE

  • Offering 7

  • Offering 8

  • Offering 9

3:15 pm – 4 pm: CLOSING SESSION – Include raffle, hand certificates upon departure and give the Zing!™ Your Life and Leadership: The Obligation closing. Show closing video: The Future is Yours to Create!

Option Two

Audience size below 50.

This format is used best when providing leadership development for a more intimate group. The participants stay together for the entire conference, and in the same room, however – the presenters alternate as the topics change. It is difficult for one educator to “carry” a room for six hours, therefore, mixing up the styles and personalities of presenters is recommended – but, not necessary.

9:45am – 10 am: REGISTRATION and light refreshments.

10 am – noon: OPENING SESSION - Refreshments are provided in the back of the room and someone checks participants in with name tags and folders as they enter the room.
Recommend Zing!™ Your Life and Leadership: General Overview and One Topic – Communication: It’s Not What You Say, But How You Say It.

Noon – 1 pm: LUNCH with Assigned Activity

1 pm – 3 pm: AFTERNOON SESSION - Offer two topics for 45 minutes each, show video: The Future is Yours to Create.

3 pm – 3:15 pm: Hand out certificates, do raffle and offer light refreshments.