Integrity is at the core of effective leadership. Despite the intent and assumed professionalism of those blessed with the opportunity to serve through the honor of training and teaching, it has become necessary to articulate the consequences of disrespecting and disregarding copyright laws and the specific Licensing Agreement and Contract entered into between clients and Zing!™ Leadership Development Systems, LLC. To be clear, clients can not put any of the materials provided on a copy machine or electronically duplicate them. The individual curriculums, handouts and provided materials should be treated as a book where copyright laws prohibit the copying of chapters, for example.

Therefore, the following penalties will be pursued, and are hereby inherent with the signing of a contract:

  1. Upon providing adequate evidence of a violation, the site – as represented by the agent who entered into the contract, will be held accountable by a charge of $995 for every infraction (this is the cost of one site license) and issued an invoice with payment due within 30 days.

  2. Upon failure to make payment, legal action will be pursued.

  3. A “letter of disappointment” will be sent to the supervisor clearly expressing the perceived “disconnect” between the practice of leadership at their site and the teaching of leadership.