When deciding on a leadership curriculum or whether to attend an intensive training experience, the credibility of the author and trainer is paramount. What does she know? Is she respected by other national educators? Do those in the field consider her a woman of reputable character? Below is a collection of references for Nancy Hunter Denney.

Over the past 10 years, Nancy has by far been one of our highest rated presenters for the National Conference on Student Leadership. Evaluations consistently rate her as EXCELLENT and many participants have requested to have Nancy back. Her passion and dedication to leadership development is contagious.

Carrie Jensen, CMP
National Conference on Student Leadership
Magna Publications, Inc.

“Nancy Hunter Denney is transforming lives. Her leadership programs are
inspiring individuals, universities and associations to produce measurable

Marlon Smith
Author, Educator and Speaker
Success By Choice

In an on-line world, access to Zing! Leadership Development Systems, LLC is access to a great world of development and inspiration. Nancy Hunter Denney’s presentations and books are great.

Dennis R. Black, Ph. D
Vice President for Student Affairs
University at Buffalo

Nancy Hunter Denney is a phenomenal human being. She is amongst many things a powerful public speaker, insightful author, caring and loyal friend, empowering mother, loving wife, and a person of deep and private faith. She is a great role model for my daughters, and son, and fills a room with thoughtful comment, deep insight, and a joyful spirit. I trust her, cherish my relationship with her, and recommend her to you without a single reservation. When she speaks on leadership and inspiration, we should all listen. Nancy is amaZING!

Will Keim, Ph.D.
Author & Speaker
Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International
International Chaplain, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity
Founder, “The Real C.O.S.T. Of College” & “The Parent Trap” E Course Line

Nancy Hunter Denney is highly dynamic and brings leadership theory to life with relatable stories and anecdotes that participants of all ages can enjoy. Students learn when she teaches.

Paul C. Serignese
Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life
Eastern Connecticut State University – Willimantic, CT

Nancy Hunter Denney’s leadership training has been a source of inspiration and motivation with our student leaders time and time again. The students love her genuine message and her incredible energy. She can keep 150 students engaged and actively participating from beginning to end. It’s not only how she communicates, it’s what she shares that makes her an Assumption favorite!

Nancy Crimmin
Dean of Campus Life
Assumption College – Worcester, MA

Nancy Hunter-Denney is an educator, speaker and business leader, but first and foremost she is a thinker who provokes others to think. Her presentations and training sessions inspire and change peoples lives both professionally and personally. Hands down, Nancy Hunter Denney is the most charismatic and energetic leader I have ever had the pleasure to work with. “

Kari Eisenhooth
Exclamation Point Events

Nancy Hunter Denney is an excellent choice for leadership development. Her enthusiasm is contagious. Her messages are extremely relevant and are crystal clear. Students walk away with a wealth of knowledge and ideas they can implement. She is flexible in designing curriculums to meet her client’s needs. Students love her personality and leave their experience as better leaders. There is no better speaker to trust with the development of leadership curriculum than one who has practiced making it right!

Ben Trapenik
Associate Dean of Students
Framingham State College – Framingham, MA